Retro Sketch - Pixel art and animation software

Retro Sketch Background

We've been working on our pixel art and animation software for a little bit now and decided to setup an Itch page for it. The software is something that we needed to build our games. One of the most important features of a pixel art software we needed (other than game tools like atlas packing and exporting) is the ability to continue working on our project on our Android phones/tablets. There was no other pixel art software that we enjoyed that is on both Windows and Android that didn't have severe limitations. So we decided to make our own and release it for others to enjoy as well!

What to look forward to

To follow us on updates feel free to check out our Twitter and Instagram. You can also check out our (work in progress) Itch page. For now, what we can say is that we're putting the finishing touches on our initial feature set and are set to release very soon. Our hope is possibly a couple of weeks.


Here are a few features (copied from our itch page)

  • Draw using pixel art tools like pencil, dithering, flood fill, lines, rectangles, circles, nudge, lasso select, and more
  • Onion skinning (up to 3 previous and 3 next previews). This supports both ghosted image and flat colors (red/blue)
  • Animation frame-by-frame previewing
  • Frame holding (for example to animate on 2s and then 1s in the same animation)
  • Unlimited layers per frame
  • Unlimited frames of animation
  • Management tools like merge, sort, layer opacity, duplication, layer/selection clearing, and more
  • Color palette saving - You can name your saved color palettes and swap to them quickly through the searchable palette manager
  • Up to 2048x2048 canvases
  • Export PNG, GIF, image sequence, and Atlas (with json/binary info file)
  • Import external images as frames or layers
  • Use a reference image that sticks around across frames and can scale beyond the canvas size
  • Ability to transfer your project file between Android and Windows versions
  • And so much more!

Releasing On

  • Android
  • Steam
  • Microsoft Store

Here are some videos

Just thought we'd put a couple of the videos from our Instagram here to check out how the software is coming along

Get Retro Sketch

Buy Now$2.99 USD or more

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